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ONEU X DCA Collection

ONEU  x  Dream Chasers Academy || DCA

ONEU has teamed up DREAM CHASERS ACADEMY to help fundraise for the Dream Chasers Academy AAU basketball program.  The mission of Dream Chasers Academy is to create a vehicle that would help facilitate the dreams of student-athletes. ONEU clothing company was founded with the same core beliefs and principles that Dream Chasers Academy was founded.  Dream Chasers Academy AAU basketball program is designed for grade school players, middle school players, and rising freshmen who want to discover what it takes to train and play on the next level, develop into effective play-makers, and become IMPACT players on their teams.  Dream Chasers Academy consists of coaches that have played and won on all levels; family and life; not just basketball. The mission is to IMPACT those who want to learn how to be IMPACT their teams skills—and habits of play—that lead to winning basketball, but also a winning skill set to be successful in life. ONEU would like to salute  || DCA || Dream Chasers Academy for being the standard in grassroots AAU basketball in Atlanta, Ga. A portion of the proceeds for every t-shirt and hoodie sold will go directly to Dream Chasers Academy to help fund the DREAM.

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DCA black tee
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